Art School Girlfriend, the solo project of Margate-based songwriter Polly Mackey, had as at hello when she released her first ever single 'Bending Back' in 2017. Having caught up with her in one of our TMR Talks To...features last year to discuss her debut EP Measures, we were excited to discover the news that Mackey's newest single 'Diving' will be her final standalone track. Acting as the counterpart to the flawless 'Come Back To Me', 'Diving' is another sultry slice of pristinely produced downbeat electronica. In this case 'Diving's title is more than apt as a chorus-drenched bass line and a series rippling sound effects submerge Mackey's longing melodies and surreal pitch-shifted backing vocals in an echoey underwater paradise. She explained, “‘Diving’ is about desire and anxiety in equal measure. It draws a line under these singles, the next thing I’ll be releasing is from my debut album.” -Holly Mullineaux 
